KFDA Committees are where the real work is done! If you have some time, expertise, or passion to spare, we hope you'll consider sharing it with us as a member of one of our committees. We are always looking for volunteers in the following areas:
Click here for committee descriptions and let us know where you'd like to help out!
And, we're always on the look out for new board members. If you are a Downtown businessperson, resident, or property owner and you have a passion for Downtown, KFDA's board may be a great place for you to flex your leadership skills. You or your organization must be a KFDA member to apply. Applications are accepted year round and elections take place in December. From time-to-time, vacancies are filled mid-year.
Click HERE to apply or
Download the information packet & application.
Jennifer Hackman
Executive Director
Klamath Falls Downtown Association
Klamath Falls, Oregon 97601
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